Date Added: 14 November 2023

TRT is bringing an important documentary to the screens on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The first episode of the documentary, which is also important in terms of the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, will be broadcast on TRT World on Wednesday, November 15 at 16.30.

According to information given by TRT, during the preparation phase of the documentary interviews and filming took place in the TRNC and Türkiye, as well as in England, Greece, France, Spain and the Greek Cypriot Administration of South Cyprus.

The documentary gives room to very detailed narratives from Erenköy, where the Turkish Cypriot resistance began.

Room is also given to footage taken from the United Nations-controlled buffer zone.

Interviews were conducted with approximately 50 people, including politicians, former heads of state, ministers, diplomats, officials from the United Nations and the European Union, historians, mujahids, veterans and many eyewitnesses.

The documentary ‘Cyprus Road to Independence’ consists of 6 chapters titled “Seeds of Hate”, “Resistance”, “Operation Atilla”, “Diplomatic War”, “Annan Plan” and “One Island, Two States”.