Date Added: 25 December 2023

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel issued a message to celebrate Bayrak Radio Television Corporation’s 60th anniversary of its establishment.

“Bayrak…Bayrak…..Bayrak” was the announcement of the institution which started its broadcasting life with the mission of announcing the just cause of the Turkish Cypriot people to the whole world and informing the public accurately” said Üstel in his message.

The premier stated that Bayrak Radio Television Corporation (BRTK) started its broadcasting life 60 years ago with the mission of announcing the just cause of the Turkish Cypriot people to the whole world and informing the public accurately.

Üstel said “Bayrak Radio has added great strength to the Turkish Cypriot peoples struggle for existence and independence from those times to today. Since its establishment, BRTK has provided the Turkish Cypriot people with access to reliable news and has made significant contributions to strengthening national consciousness and unity”.

He said that BRTK, which is the strong voice of the Turkish Cypriot community has the responsibility of public broadcasting and standing at an equal distance to all segments of society and continues on its way with this mission.

“60 years ago, BRTK started its broadcasting life with a limited number of technical tools and equipment during those very difficult days. Today we are proud that it is broadcasting to the world with a much more developed and institutionalized structure”, said Üstel.