PM Üstel condemns GC administration’s initiative
Date Added: 21 August 2024

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel stated that the Greek Cypriot administration’s restrictions on tourists travelling to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) violate rights protected under international law, such as the freedom of movement.

In his statement regarding the Greek Cypriot administration’s attempts to hinder tourists, Üstel said, “The Greek Cypriot administration must understand that the Turkish Cypriot people will never allow economic siege and intimidation policies. It will be impossible to reach an agreement with the mindset of the Greek Cypriot administration, which claims at every opportunity that it wants a solution in Cyprus.”

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel issued a written statement on Tuesday regarding the Greek Cypriot Administration’s attempts to block tourists from visiting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Noting that the Greek Cypriot administration was taking new actions to restrict pre-booked tourists arriving in Cyprus through Larnaca and wanting to cross into the country, Üstel said, “The mentality that first targeted those investing in immovable properties has now set its sights on the tourism sector, which is a significant source of income for the Turkish Cypriot people.”

Noting that the restrictions imposed by the Greek Cypriot Administration on tourists crossing into the TRNC created a complex situation in terms of international law, particularly regarding the freedom of movement and the sovereignty of states, the Premier stressed that such practices not only increase tensions and lead to discrimination between the two communities but also violate rights protected under international law, such as the freedom of movement.

Üstel also pointed out that, rather than contributing to the resolution of the Cyprus issue, the Greek Cypriot Administration was adopting a stance that moves further away from a solution.

“I strongly condemn this practice, which is inherently incompatible with human rights and freedoms and is a manifestation of hostile thinking. I reject the policy of intimidation that the Greek Cypriot administration has been applying to the Turkish Cypriot people since 1963. I call on the Greek Cypriot Administration to return to reason, as this action harms the neighbourly relations between the two communities on the island and once again destroys the possibility of cooperation between them” the Premier said.

Stating that the Greek Cypriot administration must understand that the Turkish Cypriot people will never bow down to economic siege and intimidation policies, Üstel stressed that it will be impossible to reach an agreement with the mindset of the Greek Cypriot Administration, which claims at every opportunity that it wants a solution in Cyprus.