Prime Minister Ünal Üstel has said that the government’s aim was to ensure that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) took its rightful place in the world as a respected nation and to be a common denominator in the Turkish Century which marks the Republic of Türkiye’s 100th anniversary.
“We also want to be a part of this century,” Üstel said on Sunday
Evaluating his contacts in the Turkish capital Ankara, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel said that motherland Türkiye has always given strength and confidence to the Turkish Cypriot people.
He said that the call by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the 77th and 78th sessions of the United Nations General Assembly for countries to recognize the TRNC, the increasing representational power in the Organization of Turkic States, the growing ties and connections with Turkic states, and the hoisting of the TRNC flag in Azerbaijan are all heralds of the new era.
“As a state, we are on a journey to take the place we deserve in the world,” he said adding that if Turkish Cypriots want to embrace the world, they must also be prepared to embrace the world as a state.
“In this regard, our greatest supporter is mainland Türkiye,” Prime Minister Üstel said.
He added that the government was working hard to address all outstanding problems and infrastructural deficiencies in the country through economic and financial cooperation agreements signed with Türkiye.
“We continue on our path without disrupting political stability to implement long-term projects that will affect the future of the country,” said Prime Minister Üstel.
He emphasized that their goal is to continue with stability and to implement the medium-term 5-year development plan they are preparing.
Üstel also highlighted that their recent meeting with Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz, like all their meetings, was highly productive.
Attending the 4th Ordinary Grand Congress of the Justice and Development Party, which was attended by over 300 guests from nearly 30 countries, Prime Minister Üstel congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who was once again elected as the leader of the party.
“I believe that the ‘Türkiyer Century’ Vision, which was put forward on the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye, will carry our nation to a much stronger and prosperous future with confidence and stability, under the leadership of President Erdoğan, with new voices and new faces, and towards new goals,” concluded Prime Minister Üstel.