Drug abuse is a common concern for many families today.
As part of efforts to keep young people away from drugs, training on combating drug abuse was provided to university students in collaboration with experts from Türkiye.
Prime Minister Ünal Üstel received the delegation consisting of the Anti-Drug Commission, the representative of the Narcotics Division of the Republic of Türkiye’s General Directorate of Security, Eren Öğ, and Narcotics Guide Instructors Sakine Kamacı and Ömer Can, who came to the TRNC to provide drug education to university students.
Üstel emphasized that drug abuse is the most significant problem of our time, stating that drug traffickers, especially using the crossing points, deliberately bring drugs into the TRNC to poison young people.
“Therefore, raising awareness among our youth about this issue is crucial. Both our police force and the Security Forces Command are making significant efforts in the fight against drugs. This year, more operations have been conducted compared to previous years, and a considerable amount of drugs have been seized. We are gradually minimizing the drug trafficking originating from the south,” he said.
Expressing gratitude for the efforts of the Anti-Drug Commission, Prime Minister Üstel noted that the government is providing all the support it can.
Eren Öğ, the representative of the Narcotics Division of the Republic of Türkiye’s General Directorate of Security, provided information about the collaborative efforts with the Anti-Drug Commission.
Eren Öğ explained that they provided education on combating drug abuse to a thousand university students in five universities within seven days.