PM Üstel issues message for CDO
Date Added: 28 February 2023

In line with civil Defence Day observed on the 27th of February, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel on Monday praised the Civil Defence Organisation and its efforts.

He said that the government will continue to support the work the organisation carries out meticulously and with great devotion.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel issued a message on Monday to mark Civil Defence Day.

Providing a historic background of the Civil Defence Organisation which dates back to 1974, Üstel said that the organisation which operates under the Prime Ministry aims to assist the public in all kinds of natural and non-natural disasters.

He said that the recent earthquake disaster in Türkiye once again demonstrated just how important civil defence organisations were.

Üstel said that the fact that the country was located in an earthquake zone and that the frequency of natural disasters had increased with climate change had made it crucial to upgrade and develop the capabilities of the Civil Defence Organisation.

“With this awareness, the government has made it its priority to increase the organisation’s capabilities and to hire on more personnel,” he said.

The prime minister concluded his message by wishing the earthquake survivors in Türkiye a speedy recovery and expressing his condolences for the families who lost their loved ones in the disaster.