PM Üstel made a statement on the developments in the property issue
Date Added: 24 June 2024

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel made statements regarding the developments in the property market.

The Prime Minister, who called on the public to be at ease against the pressure and intimidation policies of the Greek Cypriot Administration of South Cyprus, which have recently started to target individuals on the issue of property, emphasized that “Our state and government, together with Türkiye, are once again strong enough to break every trap that is tried to be set up against the Turkish Cypriots with its stable and determined stance”.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel made statements on the current developments regarding the individuals arrested in South Cyprus for “unauthorized” construction on Greek Cypriot properties in North Cyprus.

He stated that the Greek Cypriot Administration of South Cyprus’ policies of pressure and intimidation, which have recently started to target individuals on the issue of property, stand before us as one of the concrete examples of the general Greek Cypriot strategy, in which the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) economy is tried to collapse through isolation and legal processes that are used for politics.

Underlining that what happened is proof of how insincere the Greek Cypriot Administration is when it talks about the continuation of federation negotiations, the development of relations, peace and friendship, Üstel said, “What happened shows that it is more important than ever that we cling to our national unity and solidarity, which our government is committed to the national cause, and as President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, always expresses, that it is more important than ever to unite around our national politics.”

Üstel stated that the time has come for everyone who refuses to accept the reality that the Greek Cypriot administration will never accept the Turkish Cypriot people as their equals or allow them to have a right to anything on the island and start supporting the vision of a new solution based on sovereign equality and equal international status, which is the only way out.

“It should be known that the Immovable Property Commission, which has been recognized as an effective domestic remedy by the European Court of Human Rights to evaluate the applications of the Greek Cypriots, has been working effectively since the day it was established despite all the efforts of the Greek Cypriot leadership to prevent it,” said Üstel, adding that as the government, they have shown a special sensitivity to the issue of the Immovable Property Commission continuing to work as an effective domestic remedy within the framework of international law criteria.

The premier noted that thanks to the new funds and resources they have created for the payment of compensation without delay, nearly 70 million pounds have been paid in the last few months and will continue to be paid to a large number of non-controversial files that have been concluded with a compensation decision.

Underlining that they continue to finalize the ongoing files rapidly with the resources created with political stability and determination, the Prime Minister said, “While this is the case, it is not acceptable for the Greek Cypriot leadership to take the issue to the courts in a way that targets individuals and to use property and law for political purposes by trying to create precedent cases as it has done in the past.”

He emphasized that they condemn these initiatives, which have almost turned into a usurpation of human rights, against those who act in accordance with the property regime in the country, which is applied in accordance with international law and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Emphasizing that the State and people of the TRNC cannot be intimidated with these policies Üstel said, “The Turkish Cypriots, who have sincerely supported all UN solution plans so far, and whose hand of peace and friendship has been rejected by the Greek Cypriots every time, will continue to resist the human rights violations and isolations imposed by the Greek Cypriot Administration with the strength and determination based on international law and the strength and determination it draws from its roots.”

He noted that a lasting solution in Cyprus would be possible by acting on the basis of the existing realities on the island, not by trying to subjugate Turkish Cypriots, and asked the public to be at peace in the face of recent developments.

“The TRNC and the Turkish Cypriot people will undoubtedly succeed in this case, which they carry out shoulder to shoulder with Motherland Türkiye” said Prime Minister Üstel.