PM Üstel makes statement at Ercan Airport
Date Added: 07 February 2023

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel announced that students and teachers from the Canbolat Özgürlük Secondary School who were in Adıyaman, have been brought back to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus safe and sound.

Making a statement after the arrival of the students and teachers from the Canbolat Özgürlük Secondary School, Prime Minister Üstel expressed his condolences to those who lost their lives in the earthquake in Türkiye.

He also gave information regarding the volley ball team from the Gazimağusa Turk Maarif College who are still in Türkiye.

The premier noted that there are 24 students, 4 teachers and 11 parents from the Gazimağusa Turk Maarif College who were staying at a hotel that collapsed.

Üstel said “After the earthquake, 3 of the parents and 1 teacher, who were in the hotel, managed to get out of the building on their own with minor injuries”.

“The remaining 24 students, 3 teachers and 8 parents, 35 citizens in total, are fighting for their survival under the rubble of the collapsed building. The rescue teams we sent to Adıyaman are continuing in the rescue efforts under difficult conditions. Machinery is also being used in the rescue efforts” said Üstel.

He also stated that civil defence teams and vehicles have also gone to Türkiye to assist in the rescue efforts.

In regards to the other sporting team that was in Kahramanmaraş, Prime Minister Üstel said that they have been transferred safely from where they were staying to another region and that they will be returning to the TRNC today.