PM Üstel visits GTMK
Date Added: 23 February 2023

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel visited the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College on Wednesday where he met with the families of the children who died in the earthquake in Adıyaman on February 6.

During the meeting, Üstel informed the families of the latest developments as well as exchanged views with them on projects that will carry the children’s names.

It was another solemn day at the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College where 25 students and four teachers from the school perished in the hotel in Adıyaman that collapsed in the earthquake that struck on February 6.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel who visited the school held a meeting with the families of the children and staff.

During the meeting, Üstel informed the families of the latest developments as well as exchanged views with them on projects that will carry the children’s names.

He said that February 6 would be declared a day of mourning.

“The disaster of the century became a tragedy for the TRNC. Never before has such a painful event taken place in the history of the Turkish Cypriot people,” Üstel said.

The prime minister said that the whole country was feeling the pain of this indefinable loss and reassured the families that those who were responsible for the collapse of the building would be held accountable and brought to justice.

He also said that it was also the time to prepare for possible future disasters.

Üstel explained that the container city to be set up in Türkiye for earthquake survivors would be named “champion angels” in memory of the children.

“We will also be erecting a monument and constructing an indoor sports hall to keep the memory of the children alive. We will be respecting the wishes of the families on where this monument should be erected. We will also name streets after the children,” he said.

The prime minister also said that full educational scholarships will be provided to the children who lost their parents in the disaster.