PM Üstel visits Turkish warships docked at Gazimağusa Port
Date Added: 04 October 2023

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel on Tuesday visited the TCG Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Paşa and TCG İskenderun Turkish warships anchored off Gazimağusa Port as part of the open-sea training programme for cadets of the Turkish Naval Petty Officer Vocational School under the National Defence University.

Speaking during the visit, Commodore Rear Admiral Volkan Salih Eser, Commander of the Training Flotillas explained that the visits to Gazimağusa Port were carried out as part of the open-sea training programme.

Eser expressed their happiness to be in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

For his part Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also welcomed the cadets, stating that the ships created an attraction for the public.

Üstel also said that the government will be signing a protocol with the Turkish navy in the coming days to allow the ships to visit more frequently and added that they would make efforts to establish maintenance facilities for the visiting ships.