Politicians speak to BRT following court’s decision to adjourn trial
Date Added: 23 October 2024

President Ersin Tatar and other politicians spoke to BRT following the announcement of the interim decision in the Isias Hotel case.

Reaffirming his trust in the Turkish justice system, President Tatar said they had conveyed their concerns on the matter to the authorities.

President Ersin Tatar stressed that the loss of lives in the earthquake was one of the greatest tragedies and assured that they would continue to closely follow the legal process.

“Our children will live on in all our hearts and we will stand by our families. The Champion Angels have become a part of our nation. Once again, I extend my condolences to the families” Tatar said.

The Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu, who is in Adıyaman to observe the İsias Hotel case, also shared his thoughts on the trial.

Speaking on a program on BRT, Çavuşoğlu stated that the trial had proceeded as expected, saying, “Our expectation is that on December 3, those who deserve punishment will receive it.”

Stressing that their belief in the realization of justice continued, he added, “So far, we have not formed a negative opinion. We must trust the courts. Those who deserve punishment should receive it.”

Underlining the strong unity among the TRNC delegation in Adıyaman, Çavuşoğlu noted that everyone, including Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman, had been contributing to the process in every possible way.

The General Secretary of the National Unity Party (UBP) and Chairman of the Temporary and Special Committee Established to Monitor the Legal and Judicial Process Related to the Earthquake in Türkiye, Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu also evaluated the İsias Case to BRT.

Speaking on a program on BRT, Hasipoğlu pointed out that the fourth hearing had taken place and the fourth expert report was discussed, noting that these reports hold great significance in Turkish law.

Stressing that the goal was for everyone responsible for the collapse of the hotel to receive the heaviest penalty, and that lawyers are working toward this end, he referred to efforts to prosecute those who granted public permits.

Stating that there was serious fraud involved in the Isias Hotel case, which will become clear in due time, Hasipoğlu added, “Only that building collapsed in the area, and this alone shows us the truth.”

Following the announcement of the interim decision in the Isias Hotel case, the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Ongun Talat also shared his assessment with BRT.

Noting that there had been no change in the overall situation, Talat stated, “The detection of a fake license will lead us to potential intent.”