Pr. Tatar issues World Farmers Day message
Date Added: 15 May 2023

President Ersin Tatar has said that in the rich history of the Turkish Cypriot people, our farmers have left their traces through their labor, sweat, and struggle for freedom.”

The president issued a statement on Sunday to mark World Farmers Day.

President Ersin Tatar emphasized in his World Farmers’ Day message that agriculture is of vital importance to all countries, regardless of their level of development, because it meets people’s basic needs.

Considering that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has an early climate along with a semi-arid climate, Tatar pointed out the need to gradually introduce “niche agricultural products” alongside traditional agricultural products produced in the country.

In his message, President Tatar stated, “During all crisis situations, our country’s producers have embraced agriculture wholeheartedly and have managed to overcome crises by producing. Just like in the rest of the world, the halt of agriculture and production in our country signifies the halt of life.”

He added that agriculture was an indisputably important sector for the Turkish Cypriot people, and it is among the leading elements that contribute to the formation of our people’s culture and identity.

“This culture and identity have an important place in the history of the Turkish Cypriot people and has been crowned with this title by the Cyprus Turkish Farmers Union, established in 1943. Agriculture means food security, and it is our self-sacrificing farmers who ensure our access to safe food. On World Farmers’ Day, I greet all our farmers who endure all difficulties to protect our homeland, who enable our existence in this country, and who continue production with their hard work and sweat, with respect and gratitude,” he said.

Tatar emphasized the significance of recognizing and protecting farmers’ rights and taking steps to develop them, in line with the awareness of the importance of production and farmers.