Pr. Tatar receives Prof. Dr. Balyemez
Date Added: 01 September 2023

President Ersin Tatar received the Founding Director of the Başkent University Centre of Research of Turkish Cypriot History, Associate Prof. Dr. Mehmet Balyemez.

During the visit, Balyemez presented President Tatar with a newspaper article published in 1922.

According to a statement from the Presidency, Tatar congratulated Mehmet Balyemez for his important and valuable work and wished him success in his endeavours.

Tatar also stressed the importance of archiving and digitizing documents and information to preserve them for future generations.

For his part, Associate Prof. Dr. Mehmet Balyemez stated that he was in the TRNC with six archivists from the Turkish Historical Society to conduct oral history research and to preserve some personal archives for the Turkish Historical Society and the National Archives.

Explaining that they conducted oral history research with the accounts of a total of 22 male and female mujahideen, in cooperation with the Turkish Historical Society, Başkent University, and the Civil Defence Organization Directorate, Balyemez also added that İsmail Bozkurt’s personal archive was also digitized.