Pr. Tatar visits Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay
Date Added: 24 February 2023

President Ersin Tatar paid a visit to the Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay and expressed his condolences to the families of the children who lost their lives in the earthquake in Türkiye.

Speaking during the visit to the Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay, President Ersin Tatar said that the Turkish Cypriot people had suffered greatly due to the death of the children in Türkiye and said that when you look at the situation this is no different to murder.

Expressing his sincere condolences to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Tatar stated that despite the embargoes and isolations, young people who went to Türkiye for sporting competitions but lost their lives are the champions of the hearts.

“The pain experienced by the Turkish Cypriots is profound and will never be forgotten” said Tatar and reminded that the TRNC had done what was necessary to establish a special bond with Adıyaman during the painful days and thanked Mayor Süleyman Uluçay for his efforts.

He also expressed his condolences to Uluçay who lost family members during the earthquake.

Tatar also stressed that all necessary action will be taken for the sports hall and monuments to be completed in the best possible way in order to keep the memory of those who lost their lives alive.

Gazimağusa Mayor Süleyman Uluçay for his part noted that the Turkish Cypriot people are in great unity and solidarity during this painful process.

Thanking President Ersin Tatar by stating that they felt the help and initiatives of the government and the people during their stay in Adıyaman, Uluçay stated that Gazimağusa had not experienced such pain since 1974 and expressed the hope that it will never be experienced again.

He said what is important now is to keep the memories of those who died in Türkiye alive and to remove the uneasiness of the people.