Pr. Tatar visits Mayor Ataser
Date Added: 14 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar paid a visit to the Lapta-Alsancak-Çamlıbel Mayor Fırat Ataser as part of his visits to local administrations.

During the visit President Tatar said that the region is a potential tourism attraction for the country.

President Ersin Tatar visited the Lapta-Alsancak-Çamlıbel Mayor Fırat Ataser.

During the visit the president reminded that the Lapta-Alsancak-Çamlıbel municipalities had merged following the municipal reform.

He wished the mayor and his staff success during their term.

Stating that the area, which had a high tourism potential, was one of the most picturesque in the TRNC, Tatar noted that more and more people are being attracted to the district with the development of tourism.

Tatar also stated that new parks had been created, preserving the nature around it.

He also said that the Alsancak ring road project is near completion, and that the flow of traffic has been greatly relieved due to the new dual carriageway.