Pres. Tatar receives Turkish War Veterans Association
Date Added: 18 October 2023

President Ersin Tatar received a delegation from the Turkish War Veterans Association’s Sapanca Sakarya Branch on Tuesday.

Speaking during the visit President Tatar noted that freedom and independence came to the Turkish Cypriots thanks to the veterans and martyrs.

Noting that Türkiye has always stood by the Turkish Cypriots, President Tatar reiterated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will be kept alive with the support of Türkiye and noted that they want to leave a homeland full of hope for future generations.

Referring to the importance of the Turkish presence in Cyprus, President Tatar stated that the TRNC is an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States and pointed out that during his 4-day visit to Azerbaijan, he met with President Ilham Aliyev and received his support.

He also emphasized that the TRNC will reach a better position thanks to the relations to be developed with Azerbaijan.

Explaining that the new policy for a solution in Cyprus is an agreement with the cooperation of two separate sovereign states, President Tatar stated that this policy is being carried out so that the Turkish Cypriots do not become a minority, Türkiye is not excluded from Cyprus and Cyprus does not turn into a Hellenic State.

President Tatar also emphasized that Türkiye has always supported the Turkish Cypriots in every field.

Stating that the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation will be celebrated next year, President Tatar said, “You came to Cyprus, you laid down your lives and brought peace. For 50 years, peace has been going in both the north and the south. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and respectfully commemorate our martyrs and veterans who are no longer with us.”