Date Added: 08 March 2024

President Ersin Tatar has issued a written message on the occasion of “International Women’s Day,” emphasizing the motto “Strong women, strong society.”

He highlighted the importance of collaborative efforts between all state institutions, civil society organizations, to empower women in all aspects of life, from education to employment, politics to every sphere of society.

In his message, President Tatar highlighted the increasing role of women in our lives, both globally and in our country, stating, “Women are an integral part of social and economic life, constituting the fundamental unit of society, the family. The responsibility assumed by our women with their maternal qualities in raising the new generations demonstrates how vital they are in shaping our future.”

He added that it was crucial that efforts are made by all state institutions and civil society organizations to ensure there is no discrimination between women and men in terms of fundamental rights and freedoms.

“It is important for our women to have a say in all areas of life, from education to employment, politics to every sphere of society. What needs to be done is to take measures each year, assessing the past year and taking steps forward,” he said.

With these sentiments and thoughts, while once again celebrating International Women’s Day with our country’s women and all women worldwide, I wish for a future filled with love, prosperity, and peace, where sorrows and wars come to an end.”