Date Added: 29 May 2024

President Tatar issued a message celebrating the 106th anniversary of Azerbaijan’s independence.

President Ersin Tatar in his message congratulated the 106th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which was declared under the leadership of Mehmet Emin Resulzade on May 28, 1918 with the Declaration of Independence.

In his message, Tatar said, “We wholeheartedly share the joy and pride of celebrating this year’s Independence Day in such a happy environment with our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters who regained their occupied lands in the last two years,” and noted that the Turkic World is the family of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and the Turkish Cypriots are also a part of the family of the Great Turkish Nation.

“I wish health, happiness and success to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who strongly supports the TRNC, and to the people of Azerbaijan I wish them peaceful and prosperous days”.