President Tatar held various contacts in Zonguldak
Date Added: 21 August 2024

President Ersin Tatar is in Türkiye for a series of visits and contacts.

The President first went to Zonguldak, where he met with Cyprus war veterans and representatives of the business community.

During his meetings, Tatar stressed that they would not abandon the national policy.

After completing his contacts there, President Tatar moved on to Bartın.

As part of his visit, President Tatar first went to Zonguldak, where he visited the Zonguldak Governor’s Office.

Tatar was greeted by Zonguldak Governor Osman Hacıbektaşoğlu and saluted the ceremonial guard.

After signing the special book of the Governor’s Office, he met with Hacıbektaşoğlu at his office.

In Zonguldak, President Tatar also met with Cyprus war veterans.

Speaking there, Tatar stated that the war veterans had secured their place in national history through their courageous struggle, even at the risk of martyrdom.

Noting that the Cyprus peace operation was taught as a course in military academies, he stated that in their discussions with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, they stressed that they will never forget or allow others to forget the struggle.

As a President representing the national policy, Tatar stressed that he will never give up on the motherland adding that it was imperative to sustain and strengthen the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in choosing independence, freedom, liberty, and a dignified life.

President Tatar also met with representatives of the business community in Zonguldak.

After completing his contacts in Zonguldak, President Tatar then moved on to Bartın.

In Bartın, the President first met with Cyprus war veterans.