President Tatar highlights unity and strength of Turkish Nation at event in Bartın
Date Added: 21 August 2024

President Ersin Tatar continued his official visit to Türkiye on Wednesday, meeting with families of Cyprus martyrs and veterans in Bartın after completing his engagements in Zonguldak.

The event, titled “Meeting with Families of Cyprus Martyrs and Veterans,” was attended by Türkiye’s Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç and other dignitaries.

During his address, President Ersin Tatar reaffirmed the TRNC’s determination to secure its rightful place on the global stage, emphasizing the collective struggle for the future of the Turkish nation and the success of the entire Turkic world.

Reflecting on the recent 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, celebrated on July 20, Tatar recalled the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the TRNC.

He highlighted Erdoğan’s message that “the Turkish Cypriot people are not alone, and Motherland Türkiye will continue to support their just cause.”

Tatar drew parallels between three significant historical events— the Battle of Malazgirt in 1071, the conquest of Istanbul in 1453, and the conquest of Cyprus in 1571—describing them as pivotal moments of shared destiny.

 “We are fortunate and proud to walk confidently into the future with our Motherland, Blue Homeland, and the TRNC together,” Tatar stated.

The president underscored Türkiye’s consistent role as the voice of the oppressed in regions such as Africa, Gaza, and the TRNC.

He noted that the Turkish Cypriots achieved their independence and freedom on July 20, 1974, thanks to Türkiye’s intervention.

Tatar stressed the increasing importance of the TRNC in light of the strategic and geopolitical developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.

“Alongside the Republic of Türkiye, the TRNC has become crucial for our national unity and interests, both in the Blue Homeland and the skies above,” he remarked.

Tatar also emphasized the need to further strengthen the economic, social, and cultural ties between the TRNC and Türkiye, particularly for the youth to carry forward their traditions and national values. He highlighted the progress in communication technology, noting how it has bridged the gap between Bartın and Cyprus, reinforcing the unity and solidarity of the two regions.

Recalling the events leading up to the 1974 Cyprus Peace Operation, Tatar recounted how the dreams of those seeking to annex Cyprus to Greece were shattered on the morning of July 20, 1974, when Turkish forces, alongside Cypriot fighters, wrote a heroic chapter in history.

President Tatar concluded by expressing gratitude to the participants, stating, “I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I salute you with gratitude and appreciation. I am glad that you are here. I am glad that the Republic of Türkiye is marching confidently into the future. I envision a prosperous tomorrow for all of us, with greater steps and greater successes.”

The event also featured speeches by Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç and Bartın Governor Nurtaç Arslan.