President Tatar makes statements on the Cyprus issue
Date Added: 30 December 2024

President Ersin Tatar said that looking at the geopolitical and geostrategic developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, it is seen that the policy on Cyprus is correct and the ground for this policy is strengthened.

Tatar, who participated in the event of the Cyprus Peace Operation 50th Anniversary Celebration Association via teleconference, emphasized that the importance and value of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has increased.

He emphasized that in terms of the national interests of Türkiye and the Turkic world, national politics should not be abandoned.

According to the information given by the Presidency, Tatar expressed his gratitude to motherland Türkiye and the Turkish Armed Forces, which have always stood by the Turkish Cypriot people.

Explaining that some groups were deployed in South Cyprus due to the developments in Gaza and Syria, President Tatar stated that the borders of the EU were extended to Cyprus with the unilateral inclusion of the Greek Cypriots into the European Union.

He emphasized the need to defend the national cause and raise awareness about it within the Turkish Cypriot people, as well as in the Turkic world and friendly nations.

He praised the strong bond between the Turkish Cypriots and Türkiye, stating that Türkiye has always stood by the Turkish Cypriot people.

Tatar emphasized that the Turkish Cypriot people are not a minority but a people with equal rights to the Greek Cypriots in Cyprus, and they have the right to determine their own future.

He called for a treaty based on sovereignty that would be meaningful and lasting.

President Tatar acknowledged the hardships faced by the Turkish Cypriot people throughout their history, including migration and genocide.

He praised the resilience and determination shown by the people in their struggle to preserve their national identity and values.

President Tatar stressed the importance of the new generation continuing this struggle to keep the state alive.

Regarding the Cyprus peace negotiations, President Tatar mentioned that the Turkish Cypriots had hoped for a solution that included “zero troops and zero guarantees” at the Crans Montana talks in 2017, however, he emphasized that it was not possible to continue from that point.

He stated that his solution policy, based on the cooperation of two separate sovereign states, has received full support from Türkiye.

Tatar expressed his readiness to engage in new and official negotiations, with the precondition of recognition of sovereign equality and equal international status.

Tatar concluded by highlighting the role of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States.

He reaffirmed their commitment to protect national interests in the Eastern Mediterranean as the southernmost state of the Turkic world.