President Tatar returned to TRNC after completing his contacts in Türkiye
Date Added: 22 August 2024

President Ersin Tatar returned to the republic on Wednesday evening after completing his contacts in Türkiye.

As part of his visit to Bartın, the President came together with representatives of the business community.

During the meeting, Tatar touched upon the Cyprus issue and said, “The Republic of Türkiye’s stance on ‘two states’ has shifted the balance to a completely different point. After reaching this stage, there is no turning back, nor should there be. Just yesterday, we received a call from the UN. Apparently, there is a great expectation to get us back to the negotiation table again in September. We are in consultation with Turkish President, Foreign Minister, and esteemed diplomats from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

“If this is confirmed, we can only re-engage in the process at the negotiation table regarding the Cyprus issue, as the Turkish President has said, for a fair, lasting, and sustainable solution, provided that direct trade, direct flights, direct contacts, and all such ruthless embargoes and organizations are lifted from us and our state’s recognition is confirmed” he added.

Stressing that the TRNC, alongside its motherland Türkiye, was moving towards the future with strong steps, Tatar said, “When we speak of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it’s not just us, but the people living there, the Turkish Cypriot community. We are united as one heart in this way, but our real strength lies in the support of Türkiye.”