President Tatar starts Australia contacts in capital Canberra
Date Added: 23 May 2024

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has commenced his visit to Australia, where he will participate in festivals and events celebrating the 80th anniversary of Turkish Cypriots migration to Australia and engage in various meetings.

Embarking on his visit in the capital city, Canberra on Thursday, President Tatar first visited the Turkish Embassy, where he held a meeting with Ambassador Ufuk Gezer.

During his visit, President Tatar signed the guest book at the embassy.

Following this, President Tatar visited the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, where he laid a wreath on behalf of the TRNC.

Ambassador Ufuk Gezer accompanied him during the visit.

President Tatar will also hold meetings in Sydney and Melbourne as part of his visit.

Notably, he is the first TRNC President to visit Australia.