President Tatar to hold several contacts in New York
Date Added: 23 September 2024

President Ersin Tatar is in New York for a series of contacts.

As part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, President Tatar will have a bilateral meeting with UN Secretary-General Guterres, attend some events, and give interviews to the press.

Prior to his visit to New York, President Ersin Tatar met with Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz.

No statement was made regarding the meeting.

President Ersin Tatar went to New York for a series of contacts as part of the 79th United Nations General Assembly.

During his visit, President Tatar will hold a series of meetings, including a bilateral meeting with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Tatar will also attend several events in New York and give interviews to the press.

Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, his Special Representative Güneş Onar, Legal Affairs Advisor Sülen Karabacak, Confidence-Building Measures and Bilateral Technical Committees Coordinator Seniha Birand Çınar, and Foreign Press Officer Kerem Haser are accompanying the President during the visit.

President Tatar is expected to return to the republic on Sunday, September 29, after completing his contacts in New York.