The report on Maraş/Cyprus was discussed at the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
National Unity Party (UBP) MP Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu and Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Armağan Candan attended the meeting in Norway and delivered a speech.
The MPs made a speech during the voting of the draft resolution and presented their amendments to the committee.
At the meeting, the amendment proposals regarding the draft report were partially accepted.
UBP MP Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu and CTP MP Armağan Candan attended the meeting of the Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Oslo, Norway.
During the meeting held on May 30-31, the report on Maraş/Cyprus prepared by Italian MP Rapporteur Piero Fassino was discussed.
During the voting on the draft resolution, the MPs made speeches and presented their amendments to the committee.
The amendments were partially accepted by the committee and the draft report was voted and sent to the PACE General Assembly.
It was also agreed that the text of the Counter Opinion submitted by the PACE Türkiye delegation would be attached to the resolution.
The draft resolution will be voted on again at the PACE General Assembly at the end of June.
The parliamentary delegation also held meetings with the Director of the Eastern Europe and Cyprus desk at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the Norwegian think tank PRIO during their visit to Oslo.