State and government officials issue messages on May 1st Labour Day
Date Added: 02 May 2023

Messages were issued on Monday by state and government officials marking the 1st of May Labour Day.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, the Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı and the Minister of Labour and Social Security Hasan Taçoy all issued messages highlighting the significance of the day.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel in his May 1st message highlighted the importance of labour rights which he said had been earned throughout the world through great sacrifice and struggle.

“To find solutions to problems experienced by labourers and workers, to establish the working peace and achieving economic stability is essential for the welfare of the public,” he said.

Üstel said that his government was working sincerely to address issues faced by labourers and the working class.

“With the hope for a world with fewer injustices and inequalities, where labourers reap the benefits of their hard work, I would like to wish all workers a happy May 1st Labour Day,” the prime minister said.

The Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı in his message hailed all labourers who toiled and worked for the benefit of the country.

“Today is the day on which the value of labour and hard work is celebrated. Today is a day dedicated to our workers, our labourers and the struggle they wage for their rights. Our goal concerning labour is to create a system based on EU norms. Once again I would like to wish everyone a happy labour day,” he said.

The Minister of Labour and Social Security Hasan Taçoy who also issued a message to mark the day said that labour rights in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) were not at the desired level.

“It is my most sincere wish that we one day celebrate a May 1st Labour Day where we no longer speak of the problems experienced but where the prosperity and welfare of labourers and workers are celebrated,” he added.

Taçoy said that he himself who was the child of a labourer family knew all too well the hardships and difficulties experienced.

He added that his ministry was working hard to ensure that the rights of labourers were safeguarded, implemented and improved.

“The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is the sole guarantee of labour and workers in the TRNC. This is our main point of motivation,” Taçoy said.

The Labour Minister said that illegal and unregistered labour was the country’s biggest problem.

“Despite having done a great deal over the past few years to address and curb this problem we still have a long way to go. Our work will continue with determination,” he concluded.