State Laboratory being rebuilt
Date Added: 11 May 2023

The State Laboratory which was destroyed in a fire in 2016 is being renovated.

Following the disposal of expired medicines and dangerous chemicals, repairs on the building will begin.

The Minister of Health İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra and the Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu visited the building on Wednesday, inspecting on the spot the work being carried out.

The process to repair and renovate the State Laboratory building which was destroyed in a fire in 2016 has begun within the framework of the Economic and Financial Cooperation Protocol signed between the Turkish and TRNC governments.

The project will cost an estimated ₺30m.

At the moment expired medicines and chemicals are being disposed of in a safe manner.

Close to 400kgs of waste has been disposed of so far.

Once the laboratories are up and running again, an important step will be taken in terms of establishing food safety.

Currently tests on produce are being carried out at a more limited capacity at the National Food References Laboratory that operates under the Department of Veterinary Services.

Speaking during the visit, the Minister of Health İzlem Gürçağ Altuğra expressed her gratitude to Türkiye for the support it is providing for rebuilding the state laboratory.

The Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu for his part said that a tragic incident had been experienced in 2016.

“The time now is not to complain but to work, to take action,” he said.