Students continue visits to state and government officials
Date Added: 18 April 2023

Students from TRNC schools carried out visits to state and government officials on Tuesday as part of week-long celebrations marking the 23rd of April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.

The students paid visits to the Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu, President Ersin Tatar and the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre respectively.

The students were also received by Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, the Council of Ministers and the Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu.

Events marking the 23rd of April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day are continuing full swing.

15 students from various schools from the country’s six districts were received by state and government officials on Tuesday morning.

The student’s first visit was to President Ersin Tatar who gave them advice on the future.

“The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was not founded easily. That is why it is important to preserve our state. You are the future of the TRNC,” he said.

Answering pupils’ questions, Tatar said that it was important was for them to study and work hard as well as lead a healthy life.

The students paid a similar visit to the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre who explained to the students the hardships and sacrifices that had been made to achieve sovereignty and freedom.

“We owe motherland Türkiye, our martyrs, our heroes and veterans a great deal,” he said.

Later, the students visited Prime Minister Ünal Üstel.

The 15 students symbolically sat at the cabinet, each representing a ministry and each giving directives and instructions concerning the governing of the country.

Speaking there, Prime Minister Üstel described the children as the country’s most precious asset, individuals who will shape the country’s future.

Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu also received the students.

During the visit, Çavuşoğlu symbolically handed over his seat to one of the pupils who gave directives for other schools.

Education Minister Çavuşoğlu who spoke during the visit highlighted the importance of discipline and hard work for being successful in life.

The children were presented with tablets at the end of the visit.