Tatar addresses tech seminar at EMU
Date Added: 28 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar attended a seminar at the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) on Thursday titled “I see the future in informatics.”

The seminar was organised within the framework of the “Girls in Informatics and Technology Project” carried out jointly by the EMU’s School of Computing and Technology and the Mağusa Women’s Centre Society (MAKEMER).

Speaking at the seminar organised for high school girls considering a career in computing and informatics, President Ersin Tatar praised the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) as a centre for science, information, technology and innovation.

He said EMU was an institution which represented the TRNC all over the world.

The president also expressed the view that more women needed to enter the technology sector.

“The importance we attach and the work we do for general equality is known by all,” he added.

Tatar also highlighted the importance of women for the TRNC’s economy.

“We see programming, technology and AI becoming more and more important in the increasingly digitalising world. When we consider that the number of women exceeds the number of men in the country, our women work just as hard as our men to keep up with technological advancements,” he said.