Tatar and Üstel congratulated the 59th anniversary of TRT
Date Added: 02 May 2023

Messages were also issued from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on the occasion of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation’s (TRT) 59th anniversary.

President Ersin Tatar and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel congratulated TRT on its anniversary of establishment via messages on Twitter.

President Ersin Tatar shared a message via his Twitter account on the anniversary of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation’s foundation.

“I congratulate TRT on its 59th anniversary, which is one of the most respected and leading media institutions in the world. We have always seen its strong support for the just cause of the Turkish Cypriot people. I wish the TRT management and employees many more successful years,” President Tatar said.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also congratulated the corporation on its anniversary.

“I sincerely congratulate TRT on its 59th anniversary. I would like to congratulate everyone who has contributed to the success of TRT, which has an important place for the Turkish Cypriot people, and wish them many more successful years,” Üstel said.