Tatar attends prayer service for earthquake victims
Date Added: 27 February 2023

President Ersin Tatar on Sunday attended a prayer session for those who lost their lives in the earthquake disaster.

Speaking at the event held in Alayköy, Tatar said, “What is fitting of us is to act as one.”

A religious memorial service was held on Sunday for those who lost their lives in the devastating earthquakes which struck southern Türkiye earlier this month.

The event was attended by President Ersin Tatar.

Speaking at the event, Tatar began his words by expressing his condolences for those who lost their lives.

He said that he had carried out a day visit to Istanbul on Saturday during which he had met with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and expressed the Turkish Cypriot peoples’ sorrow and condolences to the Turkish nation.

“We will heal our wounds as a nation in unity and solidarity. This pain will never subside. Turkish Cypriots have not experienced such a tragedy for many years. This earthquake is the disaster of the century. The important thing from this point onwards is to build buildings which are earthquake proof,” Tatar added.

The president also said that this disaster had demonstrated the sense of unity and solidarity of the Turkish nation with the relief aid sent and donations made.

He concluded his remarks by thanking the Civil Defence Organisation which was still taking part in recovery and relief efforts in Türkiye.