Tatar: Investments give message that TCs deserve to be part of int. community
Date Added: 17 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar said that investing in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) with confidence gave the message to the world that the Turkish Cypriots deserve to be part of the international community.

Speaking at the İskele Long Beach Marathon Award ceremony, Tatar said, “We have a very beautiful country with our democracy, institutions and local administrations.”

President Ersin Tatar attended the İskele LongBeach Marathon’s Award Ceremony on Sunday, presenting runners who earned medals.

Speaking there, the President congratulated the runners from different countries as well as the organizers of the marathon held at İskele LongBeach, one of the fastest developing areas in the TRNC.

Pointing out that the TRNC was experiencing some political problems, Tatar said that despite all the challenges faced, those who believed and invested in the country were giving the message to the world that the Turkish Cypriots deserved to be part of the international community.

“We have a very beautiful country with our democracy, institutions and organizations and municipalities,” President Tatar also stressed.