Tatar issued a written statement condemning mosque attack in Pakistan
Date Added: 01 February 2023

President Ersin Tatar on Monday issued a written statement condemning the suicide attack on a Mosque inside the campus of a police academy in the Pakistani city of Peshawar which killed at least a 100 people.

Noting that the Turkish Cypriot people had been deeply saddened by the incident, Tatar said that acts of terrorism which target the freedom of belief and worship were the manifestation of a mindset that threatens not only nations, but the entire humanity.

“It is clear today that prejudice and bigotry; has become an ally of social and global violence. The best way to achieve peace for humanity is to find sustainable solutions by addressing terrorism not only on a religious and sectarian basis, but with all its aspects. An effective and comprehensive fight against all forms of terrorism as well as cultural, religious and sectarian tolerance has become a necessity more than ever,” the President noted.

He concluded his statement by expressing his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and to the Pakistani nation.