Tatar issues Bayram message
Date Added: 20 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar has said that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was still experiencing the grief of the lives lost in the February 6 earthquake disaster in Türkiye.

Wishing the Turkish Cypriot people, the Turkish nation and the Islamic world a happy Ramadan Bayram holiday, Tatar expressed the hope that such pain and grief is never experienced again.

In his traditional televised message aired on Bayrak Radio Television, President Ersin Tatar drew attention to the pain and suffering experienced by the Turkish nation as a result of the February 6 earthquake disaster.

He said that this year’s Bayram was expected to pass in a bittersweet atmosphere due to the lives lost in the disaster.

“Nevertheless, we shall be celebrating Ramadan Bayram with the same faith and belief we have been since 1571,” Tatar added.

The president also expressed the hope for an end to conflicts around the world.

Touching upon the Cyprus issue, President Ersin Tatar said that the Turkish Cypriot side continued to work towards achieving a just, lasting and sustainable solution to the Cyprus Problem.

“Such a solution requires the continuation of Türkiye’s active and effective guarantees and the continued presence of Turkish troops all of which a federal settlement will scrap. What is for the benefit of the Turkish Cypriot people is not a federal settlement which will reduce them into a minority but a two-state solution that safeguards and recognises their sovereign equality,” he added.

Tatar also referred to the historic call made by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at last year’s UN General Assembly as well as the TRNC’s admittance to the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) as an observer member, both of which he described were signs that the Turkish Cypriot side’s new policy and vision for a settlement was receiving more and more acceptance within the international community.

Tatar also called on the Greek Cypriot side to refrain from provocative actions which serve to raise tensions.

“It is my sincere desire and wish on this holy day that the Greek Cypriot side ceases its provocative actions and abandons its armament campaign. Unfortunately we see an increase in anti-Turkish sentiment in the south and we regularly witness praises made to terrorist organisations such as EOKA. This shows that the Greek Cypriot side’s outdated mentality has not changed to exist,” he said.

Tatar pointed out that Turkish Cypriots were just as sovereign as Greek Cypriots on the island of Cyprus and that it should not be forgotten that they have just as much a right as Greek Cypriots to exist on the island.

“We shall never abandon our state, our sovereignty, the guarantees provided by motherland Türkiye and the security provided by the Turkish Armed Forces. It has not been easy for the Turkish Cypriot people to accomplish what they possess today. The existence of some social or economic problems in this country is no justification to give up our state and sovereignty. I believe we can overcome all these issues through unity and solidarity,” he said.

Tatar concluded his Bayram message by wishing happiness, health, prosperity and welfare to all.