Tatar receives ATA delegation
Date Added: 19 April 2023

President Tatar has stressed that the international community should accept the facts in Cyprus.

“Ignoring the Turkish Cypriot people is a big mistake. We will continue our work proactively for the future on the basis of sovereign equality and equal international status,” he said

Tatar, who received officials and members of the Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus on Tuesday, drew attention to both the necessity of sovereign equality and the need to remove the unfair isolations imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people.

Receiving officials and members of the Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus (ATA) , President Ersin Tatar drew attention to the unfair treatment of the Turkish Cypriot people by the UK.

Tatar criticized Britain which refuses to recognize the sovereignty of the Turkish Cypriot people, while maintaining sovereign bases on the island.

Stating that Turkish Cypriots were a sovereign, equal people which had the right to self-determination, the President said, “We live freely under the roof of our own state. The international community must now accept the realities in Cyprus.”

He said it was a big mistake for the UK to ignore the Turkish Cypriot people.

“We will continue our work proactively for the future on the basis of sovereign equality and equal international status” he said.

Touching upon the inhumane isolations, Tatar said, “These isolations also affect our right to live. Despite not being responsible for this status quo and despite being the party that always supports a solution, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) continues to suffer under international embargoes.”

Also speaking, the Chairman of the Anglo Turkish Association of Northern Cyprus Philip Lloyd said that they supported President Tatar adding that they were very happy to be living in the TRNC.

The Deputy Chairwoman of ATA Hatice Salih Kerimgil for her part, briefed President Tatar about the activities of the association. During the visit, President Tatar presented the delegation with his new book “A Vision of Two States in Cyprus”, which was published in English and documents the work done in the last two years at the President’s Office.