Tatar speaks at roundtable meeting in London
Date Added: 11 September 2024

In the framework of his London contacts, President Ersin Tatar participated in a roundtable meeting organized by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Friendship Group members of the UK Parliament.

During the meeting, Tatar emphasized the importance of a “realistic, feasible, and sustainable solution” for Cyprus, which he said could only be achieved on the basis of two states.

He also expressed his gratitude for the lobbying efforts that shed light on the unfair treatment faced by the Turkish Cypriot people.

Speaking to British parliamentarians, President Tatar reiterated his call for a practical and lasting solution to the Cyprus issue.

He noted that despite decades of efforts to reach a federal solution, no meaningful progress had been made.

Tatar stressed that for any long-term resolution to work, “the current realities on the ground in Cyprus must be acknowledged.”

“There are two states in Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots can work together for mutual benefit through good neighborly relations. Such a solution would also pave the way for cooperation in natural resources and energy, from which the Greek Cypriot side would benefit as well,” the president said.

Tatar also referred to global developments, including the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, emphasizing that these events underscore Türkiye’s critical role in Cyprus.              In his speech, Tatar urged the UK, as a guarantor power, to ensure equal treatment of both sides. He called on the newly elected Labour Party government to take a fresh approach by ending the inhumane isolation imposed on Turkish Cypriots and enabling direct flights and trade.

Several UK Parliament members also spoke during the meeting. Lord Hussain reaffirmed his strong support for the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people, including their right to self-determination.

Baroness Sarah Ludford shared her experience of visiting Cyprus via Ercan Airport during her time as a Member of the European Parliament, noting that she had witnessed the negative effects of isolation firsthand.

Nesil Çalışkan, the first British MP of Turkish Cypriot descent, thanked President Tatar for his visit and emphasized the UK’s historic ties to the island of Cyprus.

She highlighted the need for a political solution to the ongoing Cyprus issue, stressing that the status quo remains unresolved.