Date Added: 19 December 2023

President Ersin Tatar emphasized that the Cyprus issue is actually a human rights issue.

Evaluating the Cyprus issue, President Tatar said that they will continue to condemn the continuation of isolations and embargoes that are incompatible with human rights.

President Ersin Tatar received officials from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Human Rights Association who are paying visits to state and government officials in line with the 10th of December International Human Rights Day.

Speaking during the visit, President Ersin Tatar stated that the Cyprus issue is actually a human rights issue and that the Turkish Cypriot people have been victimized for years due to isolation and restrictions.

Pointing out that a fair, lasting and sustainable agreement can only be possible with a two-state solution; Tatar noted the importance of the presence of Turkish troops and the continuation of Türkiye’s guarantorship in terms of security and peace for the island.

He said that the Turkish Cypriot people, with their acquired rights from history, will never give up on having a state in the future as well.

Stating that students from 144 different countries receive education in the universities of the TRNC and tourists from many countries are hosted every year, President Tatar noted that all these contribute to the recognition of the country.

Explaining that the acceptance of the TRNC as an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States has led to important developments in terms of representation in various fields, Tatar said that the whole world has seen the fact that there are two separate states in Cyprus.

“The national struggle continues with the support of the Republic of Türkiye” said Tatar and added that they will continue to condemn the continuation of isolations and embargoes that are incompatible with human rights.