Tatar: There are two separate peoples and two sovereign states in Cyprus
Date Added: 07 June 2023

President Ersin Tatar has said that there were two separate peoples and two sovereign states in Cyprus.

Tatar’s words came during a visit paid to him by a delegation from the Department of Religious Affairs on Tuesday.

Speaking during the meeting, President Tatar highlighted the importance of unity and solidarity demonstrated in the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake disaster in Türkiye and noted that the messages conveyed to society by religious officials were meaningful and valuable both in terms of national unity and spirituality.

Expressing the hope that the Century of Türkiye will make significant contributions to the welfare, economy, and prosperity of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Tatar stressed that there were two separate peoples and two sovereign states in Cyprus.

He said that they will continue to convey to the whole world the necessity of the continuation of Türkiye’s guarantee and military presence in Cyprus for the Turkish Cypriot people.

Underlining that the TRNC, located at the southernmost part of the Turkic world, was an inseparable part of the Turkish nation, the president pointed out that the mentality of the Greek Cypriots had not changed and stressed the importance of continuing on the path of national culture and values.