Tatar visits Anafartalar High School
Date Added: 06 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar has pointed out that the Turkish Cypriot people live today under their own independent, free and honourable state in the Eastern Mediterranean as a result of a great struggle they waged.

Referring to the Ukraine-Russia war, Tatar said that the conflict once again demonstrated the importance of having an honourable and independent state in a world where countries try to dominate others for their national interests.

Addressing students at Girne Anafartalar High School as part of his tour of secondary schools, President Ersin Tatar highlighted the importance of being able to live in an independent, free and honourable state.

He said the TRNC located in the Eastern Mediterranean was the product of a great struggle waged by the Turkish Cypriot people.

Referring to the Ukraine-Russia war, Tatar said that the importance of possessing an honourable and independent state in the current world order where countries attempted to dominate others in line with their national interests was once again understood.

He also underlined that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) will continue to exist as an independent Turkic state, despite the embargoes and international restrictions it faces.

The president also expressed the view that the TRNC could realize its great potential with investments in the future.

Referring to the importance of Cyprus’s geographical location, Tatar said that they were trying to reach an agreement on the basis of a two-state solution based on sovereign equality.

Pointing out that the TRNC was developing day-by-day, President Tatar advised the young people to make good use of the opportunities.

Reminding that the February 6 earthquake in Türkiye caused great suffering, Tatar stressed that great efforts were made to heal the wounds as soon as possible.