Tatar visits earthquake stricken provinces
Date Added: 02 March 2023

President Ersin Tatar carried out visits to the three earthquake-stricken provinces in Türkiye to convey his support and condolences.

Speaking during the visits, Tatar said that the pain and suffering caused by the earthquake will never be forgotten.

“Nothing will ever be the same,” he said.

President Ersin Tatar on Wednesday was in Türkiye for a day visit, touring three of the worst affected areas hit by the February 6 earthquakes.

Tatar’s first stop was Gaziantep where he presented the TRNC’s Embassy in Ankara and the Consulates in Gaziantep and Mersin certificates of appreciation for their efforts during the earthquake disaster.

Speaking there, Tatar pointed out that staff from the TRNC embassies and consulates was at the scene of the İsias Hotel, providing assistance and support to the families of those trapped under the rubble.

“For this I would like to thank Mr İsmet Korukoğlu, Ms Fatma Demirel and Ms Zalihe Mendeli,” he said.

Tatar pointed out that an extraordinary effort had been made to recover the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College students, their teachers and family members trapped under the rubble.

As part of his other contacts, President Ersin Tatar also came together with officials from AFAD’s (Türkiye Disaster and Management Authority) Gaziantep headquarters.

Speaking during the meeting, Tatar said that the pain and suffering caused by the earthquake will never be forgotten.

“Nothing will be the same,” he said, highlighting the importance of continuing the national unity and solidarity being displayed.

Responding to a question, Tatar said that he did not believe a strong earthquake will hit Cyprus but that nevertheless it was important to be prepared for such a possibility.

“The general information we have received is that buildings in Cyprus are well built and sturdy which is a great advantage,” he added.

In response to another question, President Ersin Tatar said that there were a number of earthquake survivors who had arrived in the TRNC to stay with their relatives.

“It is our duty to make these people feel welcome until they are able to return to their new homes,” he added.

Touching upon the families who lost their children in Adıyaman, Tatar said, “This has been a great tragedy for us.”

Tatar said that the TRNC will follow the criminal investigation launched on İsias Hotel closely.

He reminded that there were strong indications that the building which collapsed entirely was not up to building standards.

As part of his contacts, Tatar also visited the Karacasu container city in Kahramanmaraş and the tent city at the Sütçü İmam University Avşar Campus where he came together with earthquake survivors.

President Ersin Tatar’s final stop was in Adana where he visited the Adana City Training and Research Hospital where he came together with earthquake survivors recovering from their injuries.