Tatar visits GTMK
Date Added: 13 April 2023

President Ersin Tatar on Wednesday visited the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College where students who perished in the February 6 earthquake disaster in Türkiye were studying.

“The Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College has a separate place in our hearts. We will carry this pain and grief in our hearts for the rest of our lives. We will do everything to make sure that the Champion Angels are never forgotten,” he said.

Addressing students during his visit to the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College whose boys and girls youth volleyball teams perished in the İsias Hotel building in Adıyaman that collapsed due to the February 6 earthquake in Türkiye, President Ersin Tatar said that the young students who died in the tragedy will never forgotten.

The president said that work on the construction of a sports hall to be named after the Champion Angels had already begun.

“This school carries a separate meaning for us. It is paramount that you continue your education here uninterruptedly. We see that all the teachers and students are in solidarity as they try to overcome this difficult period. The whole country stands by you, feels and shares your pain, your grief and suffering. The same goes for Türkiye,” he added.

Tatar also expressed the view that the students will all graduate from this school and reach high places.

“All of you are the future. We will entrust the future of the TRNC to you. You all deserve to live in a brighter and more prosperous TRNC. I would like to wish all of you success,” he said.

Following his speech, the president signed the special memorial book at the school before visiting the graves of the children at the Gazimağusa cemetery.

Meanwhile, President Ersin Tatar on Wednesday received students from the Lefke European University’s Faculty of Communication.

The president informed the students on the latest developments on the Cyprus issue as well as the Turkish Cypriot side’s vision for a two-state solution.