TGNA Speakers’ TRNC contacts
Date Added: 12 July 2023

The Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Numan Kurtulmuş realized his first official trip abroad to the TRNC on Tuesday.

Kurtulmuş was greeted at Ercan airport by the Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre, Turkish Ambassador to Lefkoşa Metin Feyzioğlu, Security Forces Commander Major General Zorlu Topaloğlu and Commander of the 28th Mechanized Division Major General Fethi Oltulu.

The Turkish parliamentary speaker embarked on his contacts by first paying visits to the mausoleum of the late Turkish Cypriot leader for freedom and existence Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the founding President of the TRNC Rauf Denktaş.

Also visiting other state and government officials, Kurtulmuş then paid a visit to the Boğaz martyrs’ cemetery.

The Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Numan Kurtulmuş left for the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, on Tuesday evening after completing his contacts.