The 2nd Children of Atatürk Painting Exhibition was opened in Lefkoşa
Date Added: 18 April 2023

The 2nd Children of Atatürk Painting Exhibition was inaugurated at the Event and Culture Hall at Merkez Lefkoşa.

Speaking at the event, the Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu said, “We are working to bring the country to the level of contemporary civilizations.”

President Ersin Tatar, who attended the event, said that their aim was to raise young people as Kemalist individuals in the best possible way.

The 2nd Children of Atatürk Painting Exhibition, organized by the Ministry of National Education, was opened at the Event and Culture Hall at the Merkez Lefkoşa on Monday.

Officials from the Ministry of National Education, families and children attended the exhibition, which was inaugurated by President Ersin Tatar, Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu and the Director of Primary Education Department Hakkı Başarı.

The exhibition consists of paintings of 133 students from 10 public schools, two private schools, three kindergartens and one special education school in the Lefkoşa District.

The themes of the paintings are “national sovereignty”, “love of homeland”, “homeland and world peace”, “freedom” and “longing for Atatürk”.

The exhibition will be open until Sunday, April 23.

Addressing the event, the Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu pointed out that the event was held for the second time this year and reminded that the Turkish Grand National Assembly was established 103 years ago and April 23 was gifted to the children by Atatürk.

Stating that as the Ministry of National Education, they were working to raise the country to the level of contemporary civilizations, Çavuşoğlu said that they were doing so on the basis of Atatürk’s principles.

Minister Çavuşoğlu, who said that Atatürk’s revolutions enlightened the path of the country, praised the families for their dedication.

President Ersin Tatar for his part expressed his happiness to be attending the opening of the exhibition and referred to the importance of 23rd April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, which Atatürk gifted to all children.

The President stressed that their most important goal while governing the state was to raise younger generations to whom they will entrust the future as Kemalist individuals in the best way possible.

Pointing to the importance of giving children the opportunity to reveal their talents, Tatar said, “We love you, we trust you and we celebrate your holiday.”