Töre accuses GC side of contributing to crisis in Middle East
Date Added: 03 October 2024

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre said that the Greek Cypriot Administration contributed to the drama in the Middle East.

Speaking on a television program, Töre made evaluations on regional issues as well as his term as the Speaker of Parliament.

Speaking on a televised program the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre pointed out that the bases in Cyprus are used from time to time for the defence or attack purposes of Israel with the approval and permission of the Greek Cypriot Administration of South Cyprus adding that the Greek Cypriots are contributing to the drama in the region.

Noting that the United Nations has become useless, Töre emphasized that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement “The world is bigger than five” has gained much more meaning these days.

Referring to his term while serving as the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly, Töre stated that he could be recorded as the Speaker who has spent the least and used the budget the least during his term in office.

He expressed his belief that the resources of the state and institutions should always be used in the most economical way.

Töre also said that some people who oppose the Parliament complex and new Presidency building will be among the first to settle in the building once its opened, adding that some circles should first evaluate what is needed before making their criticisms.

He said that he did not only think that he managed his position as the Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly well, but also believed that he represented the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and the Republic’s Assembly in the best way both in Türkiye and in countries outside of Türkiye.