Date Added: 04 December 2023

Acting President and Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre attended the award night organized by the Gaziveren Association for athletes who brought pride to the community with their achievements in various sports competitions in 2023.

The event was organized for regional athletes; Su Öz, Celal Sekmen, Cemal Zurnacı, Özlem Soydam, Demir Öztoprak, and Bartu Güzen.

In his speech at the award ceremony, Töre emphasized that athletes played significant roles during the national struggle years of the Turkish Cypriot people, and pointed out that the names given to our clubs also reflect this understanding.

Highlighting the importance of societies like the Gaziveren Association in bringing young people together around such events, the acting president recalled Atatürk’s words and emphasized the necessity of raising children in accordance with national values.

Töre emphasized that sports and cultural activities keep young people away from bad habits.

“Young people engaged in such activities set a beautiful example for others. In this way, wrong habits are also prevented,” he said.

At the end of his speech, Töre congratulated the successful athletes.