Töre meets with Şentop
Date Added: 30 January 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Asembly Zorlu Töre met with his Turkish counterpart Mustafa Şentop at the 17th Parliamentary Union Conference of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that is taking place in Algeria.

Speaking during the meeting Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA) Mustafa Şentop reminded that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was attending meetings of the OIC parliamentary union as an observer member.

Noting that they make it their priority to invite the TRNC Parliamentary Speaker and their deputies to international meetings hosted by Türkiye, Şentop explained that such meetings are important as it provides an opportunity to voice their position on the Cyprus issue.

Parliament Speaker Töre for his part said “the TRNC is our state. It is out of the question for us to give up on it now.”

Stating that Türkiye is a great source of strength for the people of the TRNC, Töre said that they were well aware of the discrimination that is being displayed by the UN and the EU towards Turkish Cypriots.

“These are not acceptable and our efforts will continue in Europe and around the world,” said Töre.