Töre receives Disabled Federation board
Date Added: 11 May 2023

The Board of Directors of the Cyprus Turkish Disabled Federation was received by the Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre on Thursday.

The federation officials conveyed their requests and problems during the visit.

Speaking during the visit, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Disabled Federation Derviş Yücetürk said that the federation which represented 90 per cent of the country’s individuals with disabilities was trying to find solutions to the social and economic problems they faced.

Drawing attention to the problem of transportation and movement of persons with disabilities experienced, Yücetürk said that little was being done to implement the requirement for all establishments to have disability-friendly facilities and access points.  ,

For his part, the Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre said that the government was working towards improving the lives of persons with disabilities.

He said that he too will be looking into hiring more persons with disabilities.

A 16-point list of proposals on improving conditions for persons with disabilities was handed over to Töre at the end of the meeting to be conveyed to members of parliament.