Töre receives Mayor of Gülyalı Municipality of Ordu Ulaş Tepe
Date Added: 07 March 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre said that Türkiye needed to continue its development and growth without forgetting the pain caused by the disaster.

He added that this required national unity and solidarity.

Pointing out that Cyprus had experienced great suffering for years, Töre said it was important not to forget the past when planning the future.

The Speaker of Parliament Zorlu Töre on Monday received Ulaş Tepe, the Mayor of Gülyalı in Türkiye’s Ordu province, and an accompanying delegation made up of Cyprus war veterans.

Speaking during the visit, Mayor Tepe expressed his condolences for the loss of the Gazimağusa Türk Maarif College volleyball team in the earthquake disaster in Türkiye.

Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre for his part stated that they as the Turkish nation were in great pain after the death of over 45,000 people due to the earthquake.

Stating that Turkish Cypriot students, their teachers and families had perished in Adıyaman as well as other citizens in Hatay and Kahramanmaraş, he said that it was not possible to overcome the grief and sorrow caused by the earthquakes.

Expressing his belief that Türkiye, which is a large country, will do what is necessary to alleviate these sufferings, Töre said that Türkiye needed to continue its development and growth.

“This of course does not mean we should forget the pain. It requires solidarity and national unity,” he added.

Töre also said that a great mobilization had been launched in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to help Türkiye recover from this disaster.

He reminded that Turkish Cypriots had endured many years of suffering until the Turkish Peace Operation in 1974.

“This included massacres by Greek Cypriots,” Töre added.  The parliamentary speaker reminded that it was important not to forget the past when planning for the future and to derive lessons from the past.

“We will not allow a repetition of the past. We will embrace the TRNC and we will walk together with motherland Türkiye and the Turkish nation. We are all Turks and members of the Turkish nation and we are proud of being part of the Turkish nation. Anyone who thinks differently is mistaken. We are all one and united” Töre added.