Töre receives NMP Burdur provincial chairman Gültekin Oktay
Date Added: 02 November 2023

The Speaker of the Republic’s Assembly Zorlu Töre received Nationalist Movement Party Burdur Provincial Chairman Gültekin Oktay, who is visiting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Speaking during the visit Parliamentary Speaker Töre said that the TRNC is the national state of everyone who proudly says they are a Turk adding that there is blood of the Turkish nation on these lands.

Reminding that the genocide committed in Gaza today was also committed against the Turkish Cypriots during the transition period, Töre stated that the United Nations remained silent about this situation at that time.

Pointing out that even the Security Council could not get a ceasefire call approved; Töre stated that the same situation was exhibited during the Russia-Ukraine tensions.

“We protect the TRNC, our Motherland and the heroic Turkish army,” said Töre and noted that they strive to pass on Turkishness and love of the Turkish nation to the next generations.