Töre signed condolence book
Date Added: 08 February 2023

The Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre signed the condolence book opened at the Turkish Embassy in Lefkoşa.

“We carry the pain of the earthquake disaster in the many provinces of our motherland in our hearts. While we mourn our brothers and sisters who lost their lives, it is our greatest wish for our wounded to recover as soon as possible and for those who are trapped under the rubble to be removed as soon as possible. The Turkish Cypriot people are always with their homeland sharing their pain and sadness as well as their joy. I would like to state that we are always ready to fulfil our duties and to heal the wounds and we are showing great efforts for this” Töre wrote.

“We know that the Republic of Türkiye is a great and powerful country. I fully believe that the damage of this disaster will be repaired as soon as possible, just as Türkiye healed its wounds from the many painful events it had experienced in the past. I wish God’s mercy on our brothers and sisters who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to those who are injured. I express my condolences to our motherland and the Turkish Nation” he added.